i decided to pretend our dog hero is actually my dog.
because i want a dog. i really really want a dog. even though we have 2 1/2 dogs, i want a dog.
so, instead of the overall financial and time investment, for now i will pretend our 4 year old golden retriever named hero is my dog. he's already my running buddy. and he sleeps outside my "door" and pokes his head in to make sure i'm there. so yesterday i bought him some hiking gear for our camping trip in a few weeks. :) a backpack, collapsable bowl, a new collar, etc. :) he's so cute in his backpack... we put the rat-dog in one of the pouches last night and he carried her around. it was incredibly amusing.
yesterday i started my new job. i can tell already it's going to be the most low key job i've ever had. this is not a bad thing. not at all. the kids are really sweet and one of them is named "thor". i love it.
life is good right now. still figuring out life here in the tri-cities, but i like it so far.
oh and i'm really official now: i got my WA license in the mail yesterday. :)