Tuesday, October 13, 2009

9 fingered typing...

yesterday was... eventful.

i had to go get my car 'fixed' (a fuse replaced) and oil changed. the most amusing part was the mechanic telling me that next time my boyfriend could probably fix it.
i'm sure he could if he existed, mr.mechanic. and if he couldn't i'd make HIM take my car in anyway.
jeeze, but really, WHO SAYS THAT!?

i laughed inside.

also yesterday i stopped by rei (and didnt purchase anything) and whole foods. then i went to the tittyung's house for wii and dinner.
well, that's where things got interesting... and caused my current typing predicament.

since they were making dinner for the 3 of us and i was already at the store i thought i'd bring something along. i found some tasty bread and thought i'd go biblical and bring wine too. bread and wine. why not?
welllllllll when krystl tried to battle the wine bottle with her opener, the corkscrew broke off inside the cork. oops. but we were determined women (geoff just rolled his eyes) so we used his multitool's screwdriver to chip away at the cork so we could then use the pliers to pull it out.
this was working well.
i guess my brute force collided with the edge of the mouth of the bottle, because before i knew it i was gushing blood. i thought i had just cut my hand on the screwdriver. oh no, it was the broken glass from the bottle's mouth.
so krystl assisted me in tending to the very small lacerations on my left hand (the webbing between my index finger and thumb) as well as the gash on my right hand's pointer finger top knuckle. yes, gash. it was definitely a bleeder. so we sent geoff to my car to get my first aid kid and i cleaned myself up- laughing the whole time. we did try to ask google on our phones whether or not i needed stitches... but never got a great answer, and i hate the idea of needles, so i decided i'd probably be ok. i think it's healing ok so far, i'm keeping it super clean and not bending the knuckle. this is easier than a hospital run and the obnoxiousness of caring for stitches right before my vacation tomorrow!

i'll be more careful today... promise.

"it's hard say that i'd rather stay awake when i'm asleep, because my dreams are bursting at the seams." - owl city, 'fireflies'

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