Sunday, January 24, 2010

foot. ball.

i'm kind of torn right now.
i'm really annoyed that after 6 weeks off work i'm still sitting here on the couch when i should be driving back to battle creek by now.
my face is swollen and sore and it's really frustrating to have been sitting around for 5 days. ugh. hate hate hate.
i called in (emailed in?) sick for tomorrow. i had to leave a message, so i hope that goes ok. i didnt really have a choice since my face/head hurts so bad and i can't talk very well and my face is swollen.... AGHHHH.

now i'm watching football. lots and lots of football. that seems to have been a trend over break.
good job colts.
come on vikings.
my only problem will be if the vikings win and then take on the colts in the superbowl. because i dont know who i will root for. so much stress in my life. (ha.)

still not doing a very good job of making choices in my life. whether it be for the weekend or for the months ahead, i keep getting distracted. the truth is, i just dont know what i want anymore. ugh. it sucks to be indecisive.

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