Thursday, April 30, 2009

come on get higher.

today began our ropes training experience c/o challenge quest. it's always fun to look at gear and tie knots, etc. we did a lot of that kind of stuff this morning. this afternoon we headed up to the high ropes course. it was good, but, well, a challenge. i'm not a fantastic climber (a shock, i know, considering i have the perfect climbing physique.) but i do feel comfortable up there once i'm not climbing up or down a pole. the worst part was slicing up my hand on a steel cable on the first run up, so i had to climb down with a bleeding hand. it still hurts, but i'll live.

i'll be doing training for the next week or so and i think it's going to be pretty intense. tomorrow we start at 8:30am and we're supposed to run till dark.
luckily, i finally have all of my homework done and turned in so i'm going to head back ot my room soon, read for awhile, then sleep for as long as possible so i can have the energy i need to learn rescue procedures!

in other news: i was very opposed to ever liking rosie thomas music because a lot of girls seem to like her and it just seemed too girly for me. well, luckily i've changed my mind. because her music is FANTASTIC and i bought 2 of her cds which came while i was in illinois! they are wonderful.

"And I, I have much farther to go. And I, I'm so confused I know. I should just click my heels together and go home, but I lost my way back home when I lost you."- Rosie Thomas- Much Farther to Go

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